Performing Arts Stage

Located at Forsyth Blvd and Bemiston Ave


Performing Arts Stage

9:00 – 10:00 am

Saturday - Performing Arts Stage

STL Corporate Yoga

11:00 – 11:30 pm

Saturday - Performing Arts Stage

Dances of India
Dances of India in St. Louis, a National Endowment for the Arts Award recipient, is now in its 47th season and one of the oldest classical Indian dance companies in the U.S.! Learn more at

12:00 – 12:45 pm

Saturday - Performing Arts Stage

Prep Students of Community Music School
The Community Music School of Webster University (CMS) Preparatory Program (Prep) is the pinnacle of the CMS music education program offering students the opportunity to perform chamber music in various ensembles. Students receive high-caliber instruction from professional musicians on advanced repertoire, performance opportunities, music theory training, and special guest artist events. It is an intensive program devoted to developing the whole musician and preparing graduates for university and conservatory music programs.

1:00 – 1:30 pm

Saturday - Performing Arts Stage

The Funks
The Funks are a progressive folk duo based out of Belleville, IL. Dylan and Alicia Funk played music together a lot throughout the 10 years they have been together, but gained the confidence to get out there and start playing live when their daughter was born. Now they are making a name for themselves in the St. Louis music scene. With the use of effects and looper pedals, coupled with different kinds of percussion, The Funks truly add their own flavor to the music they play. Currently, The Funks are working on booking as many shows as they can, adding new music to their act, recording and making it to as many music events as possible; not to mention raising their 7 month old daughter and managing Dylan’s visual art career.

1:45 – 2:45 pm

Saturday - Performing Arts Stage

U Can Dance and Tapping with Tina’s Ballerinas

3:00 – 3:45 pm

Saturday - Performing Arts Stage

Dance Hipnotíque

Dance Hipnotíque brings music to life with vibrant, colorful performances. The group is made up of six top St. Louis belly dance performers who present Middle Eastern dance with an American accent. Their shows include solos and group dances, along with thrilling props like fan veils, isis wings, and even fire.

Each dancer has a slightly different approach to the art form, but they are all seasoned performers and audience favorites. The group has been dancing together since 2018, and has become a fixture at St. Louis area festivals and fairs.

4:00 – 4:30 pm

Saturday - Performing Arts Stage

STL Rock School

4:45 – 5:15 pm

Saturday - Performing Arts Stage

STL Rock School


Performing Arts Stage

10:00 – 11:00 am

Sunday - Performing Arts Stage

STL Corporate Yoga

11:15 – 11:45 am

Sunday - Performing Arts Stage


12:00 – 12:45 pm

Sunday - Performing Arts Stage

STL Kendo

1:00 – 1:30 pm

Sunday - Performing Arts Stage

Ballet Ollin

1:45 – 2:15 pm

Sunday - Performing Arts Stage

Eisa Yui

2:30 – 3:00 pm

Sunday - Performing Arts Stage

Pazazz Performers
The Pazazz Performing Company is the award winning, pre-professional company in residence at St. Louis Academy of Dance. Pazazz Performers can be seen dancing at community and civic events all over the St. Louis Area. With Kacy Voskuil and Emily Edwards at the helm, the company is most notably known for their production of the annual concert, a fundraising event that brings the power of the arts to the St. Louis community. Pazazz Performers is an incredible program for young and aspiring dancers working toward the same goals.

3:15 – 3:45 pm

Sunday - Performing Arts Stage

Spirit of Angela

Spirit Of Angela (SOA) Traditional West African Drum and Dance Group was founded in Saint Louis, Missouri in 1995 by Artie Hamilton, affectionately know as Mama Fatou.

SOA was born out of the inspiration, teachings and instruction sparked by Madam Katherine Dunham, Moir Thiam, and many others. SOA’s mission is to preserve Traditional West African Drum and Dance heritage as well as promote cultural understanding. This is done by EDUTAINING all ages about different African countries through dance, storytelling, and music. SOA’s identity, signature style and breath-taking performances with 5 generations of performers are how they represent the beauty of family. With children, teenagers, young adults, adults, and elders performing traditional African song, instruments, drum, and dance. SOA presents an electrifying, powerful, and educational performance and has made them a fan favorite at a host of festivals, galas, and an array of other events.

SOA is happy to witness people of all ages, many races, religions, and cultures appreciating their performances of culture, family, and love.

SOA gives thanks to all the individuals and organizations who have encouraged and supported them throughout the years.